Sports Story easter egg is either tongue-in-cheek reference to difficulties of game development or a desperate cry for help

Categories: Switch, News

Developer Rooms in video games are an easter egg tradition that goes back decades. From Chrono Trigger to nearly every Pokémon game, you can find little rooms where the game’s makers talk passionately about their work and express thanks. But in recent high-profile indie title Sports Story, the typical Developer…

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Unofficial “Read A Live” Live A Live instruction manual contains fanart, writing, and even recipes

Categories: News, Merchandise, Switch

Have you noticed that most Nintendo Switch games don’t bother with instruction manuals anymore? Even though there are little slots for them in the cases, most devs don’t bother to include little slips or the like. There are silver linings to this (saves paper, and most games include extensive tutorials…

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Yuji Naka indicted over ATeam insider trading

Categories: News

It’s been quite a couple of months for Sonic co-creator and notorious curmudgeon Yuji Naka. In November, he got arrested for insider trading involving a mobile installment of a popular Square Enix franchise. And then earlier this month… he got arrested. Again. For the exact same crime. And now, less…

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Arcade Archives brings original Bubble Bobble to Switch

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Retro, Switch

With how sizeable the Switch’s Arcade Archives selection is already it can be easy to forget what games haven’t appeared yet. Apparently, Taito’s classic arcade platformer Bubble Bobble has been a no-show all this time, despite it being perfectly suited to co-op Joy-Con play! Thankfully Hamster Corporation has remedied that…

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