New Badge Arcade arrivals for 2/2

Categories: 3DS, News

Today’s Badge Arcade update has a few new games for you to play, mostly in the realm of Kirby. There is one Mario game featuring Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, and some Yoshi eggs as well as 1-Up Mushrooms, however, today’s your only day to play and it’s the only new Super…

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Nintendo looking at Virtual Reality

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News

At its latest investors briefing Nintendo dropped quite a few details regarding its on-going business plans, but most of it covered what we already knew. One interesting new piece of information has slipped through, however, regarding the latest hot trend in game development: VR, or virtual reality. This comes from…

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Nintendo announces amiibo sales numbers

Categories: Amiibo News, News

There is no denying that amiibo has been a huge success for Nintendo. Ever since the first batch released in November of 2014, amiibo have been some of the hottest toys and collectibles out on store shelves. In February 2015, Nintendo announced that it had shipped nearly 10.5 million amiibo…

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Nintendo's 2015 financial report released

Categories: 3DS, News, Wii U

Early this morning, Nintendo released its financial reports for the past nine-month period, which ended in December of 2015, and it offers us quite a bit of insight on the company and how they’ve been doing this past year. Additionally, it’s given us a bit of information about what to…

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Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens arriving in June

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News, Wii U

Get ready to search for studs in a galaxy far, far away yet again, as The Force Awakens is getting the Lego video game treatment later this year! Developed by TT Games as always, the game looks like it will feature many iconic scenes, characters and areas from the movie….

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New Hyrule Warriors Legends "Unleashed" trailer revealed

Categories: 3DS, News

A new Hyrule Warriors Legends trailer has been released on Nintendo’s official YouTube channel. The trailer is titled “Legendary Warriors Unleashed Trailer” and it’s a quick one. A mere 30 seconds, the video shows off a number of the Warriors from the game, all new to the Legends port. Seen…

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New Twilight Princess HD artwork surfaces

Categories: News, Wii U

A few days ago, a whole new collection of art from the upcoming Twilight Princess HD came into our hands. The new art features quite a few characters from the game, some more minor than others, but all important. Even more important, however, is the fact that the new art…

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New Badge Arcade arrivals for 2/1

Categories: 3DS, News

Ten new badges have arrived in the Nintendo Badge Arcade! Included with today’s update are five BOXBOY! catchers, but you’ll have to act fast– they’ll be gone again tomorrow! Today’s practice catcher is based off this: Also, it’s the last day for all of the new BOXBOY! and Mario launcher…

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Mew is now available at participating retailers

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News

As part of Pokémon’s 20th anniversary celebrations, multiple mythical creatures will be heading to the 3DS games throughout the year. To kick things off players can pick up the original myth: Mew. That’s right, you won’t have to try and push any trucks this time around. Instead, simply head over…

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