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On April 2nd, 1994, Squaresoft released Final Fantasy VI in Japan, marking the end of the series’ mainline run on Nintendo hardware. The game is often considered to be one of the greatest RPGs of the era, with this sixth mainline entry taking familiar mechanics and iconography to craft a much more detailed world.

To mark the iconic game’s 30th anniversary in Japan, Square Enix has shared a short video recapping iconic moments from the game, as they appear in the Pixel Remaster. Naturally there are spoilers, though without dialogue it might be hard to even notice them!

As for the game’s western debut, it arrived in North America as Final Fantasy III for the SNES on October 11th, 1994, so we’ll be able to celebrate again in just a matter of months.

You can grab Final Fantasy VI’s Pixel Remaster on the Nintendo Switch now or, if you’re feeling retro, you can dig out the SNES Classic Mini and play the original.

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Written by Tom Brown

Whether it’s an exciting new entry in a series long established or a weird experiment meant only for the dedicated, Tom is eager to report on it. Rest assured, if Nintendo ever announces Elite Beat Agents 2, he’ll be there.