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The ambitious, zoological Metroidvania Animal Well has been a highly anticipated release. It was first shown in an Indie World Showcase last April. At the time, an “Early 2024” release window was given. Now, almost one year later, BIGMODE has set a release date in stone for the game. 



What is Animal Well?


Animal Well is a 2D Metroidvania that has been described by its creators as featuring a “beautiful and sometimes haunting” world. With a description like that, it seems perfect for fans of games like Ori And The Blind Forest or Hollow Knight. The dark blue-soaked, cavernous color palette lends the adventure a unique look and feel. 



I’ve been a bit puzzled with what exactly the player character is in Animal Well. After some light reading, it seems we are in control of a hatchling that has bloomed from a flower. The “Animal” portion of ‘Animal Well’ is referring to the various creatures that you’ll use as platforms or assistance to maneuver through the “Well” AKA an underground cave. You will apparently also uncover some “unconventional” upgrades. 

Make sure to check out the official Animal Well site for a closer look at the game.


When does Animal Well release?


The game is set for a May 9th, 2024 release, perfect for late spring/early summer. It seems to fit that vibe. I’m definitely excited to do some spelunking with the help of animal friends (or foes!) when Animal Well drops on May 9th for Nintendo Switch (and other consoles).

Are you excited for this unique take on the Metroidvania genre? 


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Written by Matthew Powers

Nintendo has been Matthew’s preference for fun video gaming since 2004. In addition to his love for all things Mario, Metroid and beyond, Matthew also enjoys heavy metal, roller coasters, pinball machines, and being a proud cat dad.