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Last year, an enthusiastic and pleading Nintendo fan spent millions of yen to purchase shares and ask the company’s heads about sequels for F-Zero and other titles during the annual shareholder meeting, receiving a mild reply and some warm buzz from outlets. It was a cute, innocuous tale that channeled several fans’ wishes and hopes. A similar tale has rhymed this year, only a lot less charming this time, as one Japanese fan purchased ¥512,000 (~$3,570) worth of shares just to ramble loudly about Splatoon 3 gendered customization. Wait, what?



According to meeting attendant NStyles (who reported the F-Zero incident last year), the Q&A included someone loudly ranting about female customization options getting preferential treatment over male ones in Splatoon 3 (I’m gonna hit that claim with a big ol’ “citation needed”). Twitter user @haruikatako identified themself as the questioner, having previously sent numerous letters to the company without response, and buying the shares (against their parents’ advice/wishes) to ask the company directly about the issue. Their full written question complaining about the “cold treatment of Splatoon boys” reads as immensely long:



Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa interrupted the fan in the middle of the rant, stating the question was too long. When said fan ignored this and kept going, Furukawa replied to the eventual stoppage with “Thank you for your interest in playing our game. We appreciate your valuable opinion.” That’s the polite businessman equivalent of slamming the door in your face. We’ll have to see if such shareholder shenanigans continue into the future, though we certainly hope that if they do, they’re more like last year’s example. 


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Written by Amelia Fruzzetti

A writer and Nintendo fan based in Seattle, Washington. When not working for NinWire, she can be found eating pasta, writing stories, and wondering about when Mother 3 is finally going to get an official localization.