With every major Pokémon game, there tend to be various Mystery Gift code promotions. So far for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the first code that was shared online was all about giving Trainers plenty of sandwich ingredients to work with when it comes to the games’ picnic feature. That trend continues this week with daily code drops bestowing all sorts of foodstuffs.
Announced via the official Poké Times Twitter account (which is one of many official Twitter accounts run by The Pokémon Company), each code can be used once per save, per game, and until Monday, December 18th, 2022 at 6:59 a.m. PT | 9:59 a.m. ET.
#サンドウィッチチャレンジ 1⃣日目🥪
T0MAT0SL1CE1⃣ #ポケモンSV の「ふしぎなおくりもの」であいことばを入力
セットの中身は受け取ってからのお楽しみ🤗 pic.twitter.com/ZWn8wk6tcl— 【公式】ポケモン情報局 (@poke_times) December 12, 2022
The first code is T0MAT0SL1CE. While one would think this code would pay out in tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, it actually is a bit of a mystery grab bag/gacha payout. There are a total of ten different reward sets and with each code, you’ll any one of the ten sets. The possible rewards are the following:
- 5 Bacon, 5 Ham, 5 Prosciutto, 5 Chorizo, 5 Herbed Sausages, and 5 Hamburgers
- 5 Bacon, 5 Lettuce, 5 Tomatoes, 5 Cheese, 5 Mayonnaise, and 5 Mustard
- 5 Smoked Fillets, 5 Rice, 5 Wasabi, 5 Salt, and 5 Vinegar
- 5 Chili Sauce, 5 Jalapeños, 5 Curry Powder, 5 Wasabi, and 5 Horseradish
- 5 Curry Powder, 5 Rice, 5 Noodles, 5 Cheese, and 5 Eggs
- 5 Cherry Tomatoes, 5 Cucumbers, 5 Green Bell Peppers, 5 Avocados, 5 Red Onions, and 5 Watercress
- 10 Portato Tortillas, 10 Tofu, 10 Potato Salads, 10 Hamburgers, 10 Friend Fillets, and 10 Noodles
- 5 Bananas, 5 Strawberries, 5 Apples, 5 Kiwis, and 5 Pineapples
- 5 Whipped Cream, 5 Jam, 5 Yogurt, 5 Peanut Butter, and 5 Marmalade
- 30 Klawf Sticks
To redeem the T0MAT0SL1CE code, boot up your copy of Pokémon Scarlet and/or Violet and do the following:
- Go to the Main Menu (by pressing the X button).
- Select “Poké Portal”.
- Within the Poké Portal menu, select “Mystery Gift” at the bottom.
- In the Mystery Gift menu, select “Get with Code/Password” and input the code.
- If correct, you’ll be prompted to select the reward that’s associated with the code.
- A short cutscene with a present will occur and you’ll get your items (as shown in the screenshot above).
Note: The Mystery Gift function will need to be unlocked by going to the first Pokémon Center in your travels, located in Los Platos. This is estimated to be about 90 minutes of playtime due to the games’ “tutorial” and story.
Come back tomorrow for the next code and make sure to redeem it before Monday, December 18th, 2022 at 6:59 a.m. PT | 9:59 a.m. ET.
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