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Valve created a lot of games using the same Source engine back in the late 2000’s, including Portal, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike, and Team Fortress 2. The first two in particular are tied together even closer, with Portal effectively being a mod of Half-Life 2 and sharing a lot of the same code.

That means it was a relatively easy task for modder OatmealDome to inject Half-Life 2 into the recently released Switch port of the original Portal. It’s not a perfect recreation, with various levels being unloadable, NPC animation issues, and more, but it’s impressive to see it in action.

We’ll just have to wait and see if Valve will officially bring over this iconic first-person shooter now the work has already been done to bring its quirky puzzler offspring.

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Written by Tom Brown

Whether it’s an exciting new entry in a series long established or a weird experiment meant only for the dedicated, Tom is eager to report on it. Rest assured, if Nintendo ever announces Elite Beat Agents 2, he’ll be there.