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The Rune Factory series is known for featuring both farming and fighting, and today, the fighting mechanics are being showcased, thanks to a feature on 4Gamer (with translations by Siliconera). While carrying over quite a bit from past titles, Rune Factory 5 is adding some new ideas that will hopefully spice up the adventure.

The game has eight weapon types, carrying over from the past entries in the series: short sword, long sword, dual swords, spear, axe, hammer, staff, and fists (or “gloves”). Combat is largely similar to RF4, with the ability to swap weapons so long as they’re in your inventory, though now you can unlock skills for your weapon with enough usage.



Rune Abilities (weapon skills and magic) return in RF5, though there will be a particularly unique new one called “Seed Circle” that allows you to temporarily “connect” to and invite an opposing monster to your party for a time. Given the series’ penchant for replacing Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons farm animals with certain monsters, this is a logical progression. And, finally, companions from the previous games are also returning, allowing you to take town members you’re friends with (including eligible bachelors and bachelorettes) into battle.



Rune Factory 5 launches May 20th in Japan and is planned to release in the West sometime this year. We’ll be sure to provide updates on that front as they come out.


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Written by Amelia Fruzzetti

A writer and Nintendo fan based in Seattle, Washington. When not working for NinWire, she can be found eating pasta, writing stories, and wondering about when Mother 3 is finally going to get an official localization.