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PlatinumGames has been pretty generous with free add-on content for The Wonderful 101: Remastered in the form of “Wonderful Codes.” These codes, when entered by the player, unlock new characters to join your mighty superhero ensemble through an easier means than normal.

The latest code, posted on Steam, is “ORIGINALHEROES”, and unlocks the following characters:

  • Wonder Red (Emeritus)
  • Wonder-Future
  • Wonder-Daddy

So far, this is the fifth released Wonder Code, with more “coming soon.” If you missed the previous codes, you can find them all listed below:

  • Vol.1 UMBRANGIFT: Unlocks “Wonder-Bayonetta”
  • Vol.2 ANGELSLAYERS: Unlocks “Wonder-Jeanne” and “Wonder-Rodin”
  • Vol.3 TEAMUNITEUP: Unlocks “Wonder-Captain”, “Wonder-Scarf”, and “Wonder-Gramps”
  • Vol.4 GUYZOCHFAMILY: Unlocks “Prince Vorkken”, “Chewgi”, and “Immorta”
  • Vol.5 ORIGINALHEROES: Unlocks “Wonder-Red” (Emeritus), “Wonder-Future”, and “Wonder-Daddy”

If you have yet to try the Switch remaster of PlatinumGames’ brilliant action title, you can get stuck in with a very generous two-hour demo from the Nintendo eShop, with the option to transfer your progress if you then purchase the full game.

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Written by Reece Heather

A lifelong Nintendo fan and a longtime editor at Zelda Universe, Reece will forever be grateful that he somehow dodged the Naughty List of Christmas 1998, when Santa delivered the life-changing gift of a Nintendo 64 with Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Mario Kart 64. When he's not playing games, Reece is usually reading Punisher comics, delving helplessly into the weirdest depths of anime and manga, or spending time with his cocker spaniel Gracie -- the goodest girl ever!