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Back in 2007, Crytek’s first person shooter Crysis was a technical marvel, to the extent “can it run Crysis?” was a common refrain in PC building circles. Fast forward 13 years and the game is heading to Switch, with plenty of its impressive features intact. These are highlighted in the latest trailer from the developer, which you can check out below:

As the description says, the game will include “high-quality textures, global illumination (SVOGI), vegetation bending, optimized dynamic light settings, dynamic resolution, gyro aiming, motion blur, bloom (light rays and sunbeams) and much more.”

The Crysis Remaster launches for Switch next week on July 23rd.

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Written by Tom Brown

Whether it’s an exciting new entry in a series long established or a weird experiment meant only for the dedicated, Tom is eager to report on it. Rest assured, if Nintendo ever announces Elite Beat Agents 2, he’ll be there.