The immensely popular Fate series is a massive web of sagas and spin-offs, from PC visual novels to mobile gacha games. Perhaps the most unusual spin-off is Emiya-sanchi no Kyō no Gohan, or Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family, a manga & anime series that transplants characters from Fate and puts them in a more mundane setting where Shirō Emiya is the protagonist cooking Japanese cuisine for his family and friends.
Now, this oddest of spin-offs is getting its very own Switch game that looks set to be a hybrid of visual novel and cooking game.
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan will be receiving a Switch game in 2020
— Kars (@KaroshiMyriad) December 31, 2019
“Everyday, Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family” is set to launch sometime in 2020.