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We’re just a few weeks away from the highly anticipated Link’s Awakening remake, and IGN recently got to go hands-on with the title, including the new Chamber Dungeon mode.

In a new gameplay video, Bill Trinen and IGN’s Jonathon Dornbush challenge each other to their nefarious dungeon creations. The video shows off the flexibility of the mode, as you can introduce clear requirements similar to Super Mario Maker 2. For example, you can force players to clear a level starting with only three hearts, or you can make players open each treasure chest in your dungeon before allowing them to clear it. Bill Trinen also had to deal with the Shadow Link, which actually defeated him at one point! The mode looks pretty fleshed out, so it’ll be a nice distraction from the main game.


The IGN article notes that Link’s Awakening still suffers from some performance issues, so hopefully that’s fixed in future updates and patches. Link’s Awakening launches on Switch on September 20th. You can still pre-order your copy on Amazon!


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Written by Logan Plant

Logan loves voicing his opinions just as much as writing them. When he isn’t gaming or writing, Logan’s probably recording a podcast or chatting on the radio. Video game journalism is his passion, and he hopes to cover video games for years to come.