Our weekly Three Houses character roundup took a break last week for E3, but the introductions didn’t! A plethora of new students (and one new adult) have been introduced via the official FE Twitter account, and there’s all replete with introductions and bios. Let’s break it down, shall we?
First up is Petra (VA: Shizuka Ishigami) of the Black Eagles. A foreigner from the Brigid Isles to the west of Fódlan, she was sent to the Officer’s Academy as part of a political gesture of loyalty — her grandfather is the king of the isles. Since she’s not local, she’s not good with Fódlan’s language, but is doing her best to pick up the tongue.
ブリギットは帝国に従属しており、その忠誠の証として故郷から送り出され、士官学校に留学している。まだフォドラの話し言葉には慣れていないが、勉強熱心。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/VHseWZkReV— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 10, 2019
Then there’s Sylvain (VA: Makoto Furukawa) of the Blue Lions. Next in line to a secluded earldom, he’s looked up to as a big brother type who’s dependable when he’s needed — though he’s also a notorious flirt and womanizer who ends up in trouble. He appears to have a disowned older brother as well…
仲間思いであり、学級の頼れる兄貴分として周囲から慕われているが、女性を口説くことが趣味という無類の女好きでもあり、トラブルが絶えない。紋章を持たないことを理由に廃嫡された兄がいる。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/kHh2nzWFuY— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 12, 2019
Following him is Marianne (VA: Sawako Hata) of the Golden Deer. This tired looking gal is an adopted daughter of an earl, and tends to be a bit distant from others. However she has a deep love of nature and spends a lot of time speaking to animals, and is an extremely pious worshipper of the Goddess.
あまり他者と関わろうとしないため、彼女の声すら聞いたことのない者も多い。いっぽう、大好きな鳥や動物には心を開いており、よく話しかけている。信心深く、日々女神への祈りを欠かさない。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/hSbgKC6oDk— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 14, 2019
Next in line is not a student but a knight, Catherine (VA: Chie Matsuura). A graduate of the Officer’s Academy who wields a legendary sword called the “Raiten” (tr. Lightning), she’s a swordmaster who’s sworn fealty to the church and Archbishop Rhea.
“英雄の遺産”と呼ばれる伝説の武具のひとつ「雷霆(らいてい)」を使いこなす凄腕の剣士であり、騎士として大司教レアに忠誠を誓っている。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/kKikDdJNHa— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 15, 2019
In succession, we have oft-made FEH joke Linhardt (VA: Shun Horie) of the Black Eagles. He’s a “lazy genius” type who possesses keen intellect but tends to be a bit sleepy and flippant. That said, he has a particular interest in crest research, and can toil away through the night studying them. Despite the contrast in personalities, he’s actually good friends with Caspar.
束縛を嫌い自由を愛する、つまりは極度の面倒くさがりで、頭脳明晰にもかかわらず、日々惰眠を貪っている。しかし紋章学には強い興味があり、その研究には寝食を忘れ没頭する。カスパルとは趣味も性格も似ないが仲が良い。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/4S50mq5jne— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 17, 2019
After him is Ingrid (VA: Manaka Iwami) of the Blue Lions. A childhood friend of Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain, she has a deep appreciation for knights and aspires to be like them, though Dimitri says that with her serious disposition she may be more knightly than she’d think. Her chivalry dissipates as soon as she sees food, as there’s nothing she likes more than a good meal.
高潔な騎士への憧れと持ち前の生真面目さから、ディミトリ曰くすでに「下手な騎士よりも騎士然としている」。ただ、美味しいものの前では我を忘れる。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/H68MgzGy9s— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 19, 2019
And rounding things out is Leonie (VA: Sakura Nogawa) of the Golden Deer. Unlike many of the other students, she’s not a noble, but rather a mercenary in training, who entered the academy with loans and blessings from her home village. She’s hoping to repay them back for their kindness someday. She considers herself the top protégé of Geralt, the protagonist’s father.
稼げる傭兵になるため、村から借金をして士官学校に入学した。村の人々への恩と借金を返すため、日々鍛錬と倹約に勤しむ。傭兵を目指すきっかけとなったジェラルトを師匠と呼び、一番弟子を自称している。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/3yq0wRvU1v— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 21, 2019
That’s all for this week. Once again, thanks to Serenes Forest for profile translations. We’ll be sure to cover many more students as the Three Houses release date ticks ever closer.
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