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Nintendo’s Takashi Tezuka has confirmed that Super Mario Maker 2 will receive an update to allow online multiplayer with friends.

The news comes directly from the E3 2019 show floor; Tezuka appeared during a Nintendo Treehouse segment on the game and confirmed it will eventually allow players to play online with friends.

Later, Nintendo of America reaffirmed the announcement with a tweet.



This revelation comes on the tail of controversial news that the game would not initially support online matchmaking with friends — just strangers.

What’re your thoughts? Are you happy to hear the game will support online play with friends? Sound off in the comments and stay connected to Nintendo Wire as we bring you live updates from the E3 2019 show floor!

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Written by Daniel Dell-Cornejo

Daniel is an editor at Nintendo Wire. Always with his head in the clouds, he is never apart from his creative thoughts – a blessing for an aspiring fiction writer. As a journalist and lifelong gamer, he aims to provide readers with the very best in Nintendo coverage.