Another week, another batch of new faces set to make their debut in Fire Emblem: Three Houses later this summer. Each of the game’s groups of students have grown a little bigger but this time a few teachers are in the mix. Assuming they’re NPC’s and unavailable to develop as units, these fellow educators will be making their impact on the game more so with the services and expertise they bring, though not without some personality of their own.
運命の男性と出逢わないことを嘆く姿が学内でよく目撃される。少々がさつな所はあるが面倒見がよく、新人教師である主人公に対しても親切。 #FE風花雪月— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 11, 2019
First shown among them is Manuela, who appeared in an earlier trailer for the game. A former opera singer, she’s since moved on to working as both a teacher and the school’s doctor. She has a great deal of compassion for those around her, though she’s wondering why she hasn’t found the man of her dreams yet.
黒鷲の学級内で平民の生まれは彼女ひとりであり、窮屈さを感じることもあるようだが、誰に対しても同年代の友人として対等に接する。 #FE風花雪月— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 13, 2019
The Black Eagles gained a songstress of their own, a singer by the name of Dorothea. She admires Manuela, what with their shared musical backgrounds. Interesting for Dorothea compared to others so far, she’s not of any sort of noble birth. Presumably it might be her talent that played a bigger part in her enrollment, opening the door for examining caste relations in Three Houses’ world. Her lack of bearing makes her a little nervous, but in turn she’s open minded and nonjudgmental.
幼馴染であるディミトリを「猪」と呼び、棘のある態度をとる。皮肉屋で一匹狼を気取っているが、剣術の腕を磨くことには余念がなく、強い者を見つけるとまずは手合わせをしたがるほど。 #FE風花雪月— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 15, 2019
The Blue Lions on the other hand have brought in Dimitri’s childhood friend and fellow noble, Felix. Said to be somewhat acerbic, he’s not afraid to take shots at others (even his friends) but has a different side that comes out when it comes to potentially strong opponents. Rather than lean into standoffishness, he’ll make his intent and drive to challenge others to duals known, bringing his competitiveness to the forefront.
父と兄に甘やかされて育ったためか、すぐに怠けようとする癖があり、周囲に甘えるのも上手。気楽で軽い言動が目立ち、典型的な「貴族のお嬢様」と評されることも。お洒落をすることや、華やかなものが大好き。 #FE風花雪月— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 17, 2019
Joining the Golden Deers is Hilda, the only daughter of a duke within the Leicester Alliance. Spoiled by those around her growing up, she’s likely to try and get out of work. Rather than be subtle about it, she tries to charm her way out of effort. Somewhat materialistic and definitely carefree, she shows that all kinds will be in attendance at the Officer’s Academy.
普段は冷静だが、紋章のこととなると我を忘れて没頭してしまう。特に主人公の持つ謎の紋章に対しては、知的好奇心からくる高まりを隠しきれない。同僚のマヌエラとは馬が合わない様子。 #FE風花雪月— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 18, 2019
We’re closing out the week’s worth with another staff member, the older gent Hanneman. He’s studying lineages and family “Crests” within the academy. These emblematic representations of ones family hold their own power, and while Hanneman is normally a fairly subdued fellow he can get more excitable when it comes to his field of study.
Remember again, with how localization of Fire Emblem titles usually goes we could see some name changes and personality tweaks come English information of these characters. For now though, keep an eye out for more reveals to keep learning all you can about Fire Emblem: Three Houses.