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GRIS was one of the most beautiful games of last year (and all-time), and has already proven a major success for developer Nomada Studio. And now if you own the game, there’s a little bonus — a new “Undone” update that adds unused concept art and music tracks.


This may seem like a fairly small gesture, but given how aesthetically focused the game is, it’s a lovely bonus indeed. And if you don’t own GRIS, fret not — the game is on sale right now for $14.44. It’s one of the most evocative experiences you could ever play, so it comes highly recommended!


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Written by Amelia Fruzzetti

A writer and Nintendo fan based in Seattle, Washington. When not working for NinWire, she can be found eating pasta, writing stories, and wondering about when Mother 3 is finally going to get an official localization.