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Pancakes. Waffles. Two golden treats equally well suited to start your morning as breakfast, or they can finish off your day as a sweet dessert. These warm and whip creamed delights are dueling it out across Inkopolis Square in this upcoming Splatfest, with syrup set to reign supreme no matter the winner.

Pearl and Marina know how serious this one is, ditching all frills and just staring each other down for the crown. Pearlie’s down with the panfried brown of freshly made pancakes, while Marina’s eager to square off with the crisp and quartered waffles. This one’s a tossup for me: on average, a pancake rarely disappoints, but when a waffle’s on point it’s… On. Point.

You don’t need me buttering you up to get out there and represent though. Whichever you side with, you’ll be set to serve up some wins once Splatoon 2’s Splatfest begins on the evening of February 8th.


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.