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The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is almost here, bringing its storybook styling to Nintendo Switch. I’ve had my eye on this one since its Japanese reveal, with visuals and vibes that carry this dark fairy tale of devotion and sacrifice. You can see just a bit of that yourself in this latest clip from the game:


We see the Princess and Prince working together to open a gate and sharing a moment together over flowers. It’s undeniably cute, and knowing it’ll be in our hands in just a week makes it all the more alluring. See for yourself when The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince releases on February 12th.


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.