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Last year’s Game Awards was full of Nintendo love. Breath of the Wild got to reveal its final bit of DLC ahead of its Game of the Year win, and Super Mario Odyssey was well represented thanks to a live performance of its signature song. The real winner though was PlatinumGames’ leading lady, Bayonetta. Not only was it announced her two existing titles would make their way to Switch, but out of nowhere Bayonetta 3 was revealed and practically stopped time with the news of its debut.

And since then, silence. 1 & 2 released, sure, but no further word was uttered about Bayonetta 3 at any events this year. With Super Smash Bros. Ultimate taking pretty much all of 2018’s thunder (and including the witch herself once again), it hasn’t exactly been the most felt absence, but with that game releasing within a couple days it’s about time we hear about what she’ll be up to.

bayonetta switch

The Game Awards are tomorrow night, and what better way to signal her return than a repeat showing. Perhaps the first trailer could be dropped to keep this association going strong? Better yet, maybe it’ll come with a release date, or at least a window. Perhaps Bayonetta’s biggest competition for attention is a different leading lady who’s also been associated with the Game Awards, though more for her lack of a showing. Samus and the Metroid series always seem to come up around the Game Awards, but nothing has ever actually materialized. With Prime 4 on the way that might change, and in an ideal world we’d hear about both. But here’s hoping that we could know just a little more about Bayonetta 3 by the show’s end.


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.