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Our favorite secretary has joined the fight, and that means she’s also got to join the big group shot of the entire Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster. Ever since this tapestry of iconic characters was unveiled at E3, new characters have been added as they’ve been announced. We saw the Belmonts and King K. Rool take their place amongst the greats, and now it’s time for Isabelle to do the same.

You can spot her full of smiles and celebration right next to Cloud, maybe even congratulating him on all the Final Fantasy titles revealed during yesterday’s Direct. There’s still about three months to go to December (and even the potential for DLC past that), so be ready to see this one with even more characters added in the near future.


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.