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It’s official! After some rumors surfaced last week, Best Buy has announced it will be the exclusive carrier of Majora’s Mask Link and Bayonetta Player 2. Both are currently available for pre-order right now!

Best Buy previously carried Dark Pit as a retail exclusive, and there seemed to be enough stock for everyone upon release. Hopefully, this trend continues with the next wave of retail exclusivity. If you had the chance to pre-order these new amiibo, you can add them to your virtual collection by visiting our amiibo database.

Looking for other amiibo exclusives? You can find the full list of upcoming amiibo exclusives below.


Oh, Amazon. I think we all remember the constant refreshing waiting for Palutena to be posted. Remember those good times? We’ll see if the online giant can recover when it will exclusively carry Corrin and Skyward Sword Link. No pre-orders are up yet, but placeholders are currently up for your refreshing needs!


GameStop will be the home of Twilight Princess Link and Cloud Player Two. Pre-orders have sold out (for now), so you’ll have to wait in line like the old times: You gotta earn it!

Good luck, fellow hunters. I hope to connect with some of you in line as we await our new figures!

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Written by Logan Plant

Logan loves voicing his opinions just as much as writing them. When he isn’t gaming or writing, Logan’s probably recording a podcast or chatting on the radio. Video game journalism is his passion, and he hopes to cover video games for years to come.