With Ace Attorney 6’s localization having been announced just about a week ago, excitement’s building up for Nick’s next lawyering adventure. Fans in Japan will have their hands on it much sooner, and along with that comes a special launch promotion for a DLC chapter. Tentatively translated to “Turnabout Through Time”, this bonus chapter takes place after Spirit of Justice’s main campaign and features a few returning faces.

Fans of veteran prosecutor Miles Edgeworth won’t be disappointed as he brings his cutting edge style and intelligence to the courtroom once again. Larry Butz and Maya Fey will also be along for the ride, which features both an investigation and trial portion.

Best of all, the episode will be a free download from June 30th through July 20th (again, only in Japan). Since most of the extra DLC was also localized for Dual Destinies, aside from a quiz pack, it’s very likely we’ll hear more about this content closer to Spirit of Justice’s western release in September.