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As part of Sony’s “State of Play” presentation today, Sega unveiled a brand-new trailer for Shinobi: Art of Vengeance. Revealed in 2023 at the Video Game Awards, many speculated that the developers behind Streets of Rage 4 would be responsible for this game. As it turns out, that is correct, with Lizardcube being the lead development team on this long-belated return to Shinobi’s world.

Better than just a trailer, though, is that Sega announced a release date for the game and it’s not very far off. Art of Vengeance will be available digitally on August 29th, 2025, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and most importantly, Nintendo Switch. While there’s a chance it could be available on Switch 2, as well, it’s still too early for any publishers to mention Nintendo’s latest platform.



From the trailer, there isn’t too much we can glean with regard to content or mechanics. Art of Vengeance has an incredible art style, but then I would have expected that considering the pedigree behind the title. What Shinobi: Art of Vengeance confirms, however, is that 2025 is absolutely the year of the ninja.


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Written by Peter Glagowski

Peter has been a freelance gaming and film critic for over seven years. His passion for Nintendo is only matched by the size of his collection.