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As part of today’s Nintendo Direct, i.e., the final Switch-era stream, there was a surprise announcement of two previously PlayStation-exclusive games getting new ports to other platforms. Being distributed by Bandai Namco, Patapon 1+2 Replay will bring the 4K remastered versions of the first two Patapon games to PC, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 5 this July. 

There isn’t much else known about this remastered collection apart from generic PR text. On Bandai Namco’s website, it just gives a general overview of the two games and some new screenshots for them. You can wishlist the games now ahead of their July 11th, 2025, release, but that’s really it. Honestly, we don’t need to know much else as Patapon is a classic. When the series got its start on PSP back in 2007, it was an instant classic and became one of the defining reasons to purchase Sony’s handheld.



Years later, Sony has done basically nothing with its fun and creative IPs, so I guess Bandai Namco stepped in to bring these titles to other platforms. What’s concerning is that despite the PS5’s success, Sony doesn’t seem to have any confidence in reselling older titles or any desire to bring them to modern consoles. I suppose you could always buy the PS4 ports (and, thus, ignore the new PS5 versions), but it’s sort of concerning to see that even Sony is bringing games to Switch now. Will the Switch 2 get the next God of War? Probably not, but do expect other lesser-known Sony titles to see a release on Nintendo’s console.





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Written by Peter Glagowski

Peter has been a freelance gaming and film critic for over seven years. His passion for Nintendo is only matched by the size of his collection.