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There are lots of video games out there that die-hard fans would say are truly timeless. When looking at such games, often RPGs stand out as having aged the best of any classic titles. The genre is not only very popular to this day, but is very easy to grasp while still allowing for depth and nuance. One of the best examples of this is the cult classic Chrono Trigger, which despite having turned 30 years old this month, is still going strong. In fact, Square Enix recently revealed that the game has now sold over 5 million units worldwide.



Chrono Trigger made its debut on the SNES on March 11th, 1995. Created with a stylistic blend of Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Dragon Ball, the game was an immediate hit upon release. To this day it is considered one of the greatest titles from the time, and to many even of all-time! Naturally for a title of this magnitude, the 30th anniversary is a big deal. The Japanese Square Enix website put out an article celebrating the game, announcing related projects for the coming year along with the news that Chrono Trigger has reached over 5 million sales worldwide. For a game made over three decades ago now that is an incredible feat, and a very deserved one at that.

Needless to say that if you have yet to give Chrono Trigger a try, now is a better time than ever to do so. The legacy the game holds still holds strong, and it is available on PC, Android, and iOS, so there’s really no reason not to. There are very few games that truly embody everything their genre has to offer like Chrono Trigger does, and with how many fans are celebrating the game this year, the timing couldn’t be better!


More Chrono Trigger 30th anniversary


Square Enix will be celebrating Chrono Trigger’s 30th anniversary with new projects


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Written by Abbie Maxwell

Lifelong Nintendo fangirl, Abbie holds a special place in her heart for video games. She has always strived to provide tips and tricks to make the experiences of those who share her passions that much better.