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The studio behind Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD has finally been revealed, after a period of silence from Nintendo on the matter.

VGC has confirmed that the game’s credits reveal the developer behind the game as Tantalus Media, which was previously responsible for Skyward Sword HD and Twilight Princess HD. The Australian studio also developed the Nintendo Switch version of Sonic Mania.



The original 3DS release of Luigi’s Mansion 2 – known as Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon in North America – was handled by Next Level Games in 2013, which Nintendo hailed as the “Year of Luigi” in celebration of Mario’s younger brother.

The upcoming HD remaster saw an in-depth overview trailer last week, and UK fans who pre-ordered one of the game’s bundles will be treated to some Luigi-themed goodies.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD will launch exclusively on Nintendo Switch on June 27th.

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Written by Reece Heather

A lifelong Nintendo fan and a longtime editor at Zelda Universe, Reece will forever be grateful that he somehow dodged the Naughty List of Christmas 1998, when Santa delivered the life-changing gift of a Nintendo 64 with Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Mario Kart 64. When he's not playing games, Reece is usually reading Punisher comics, delving helplessly into the weirdest depths of anime and manga, or spending time with his cocker spaniel Gracie -- the goodest girl ever!