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If you’re ready to roll the dice and put your minigame skills to the test, the latest Nintendo Direct has some great news! A new Mario Party has been announced, based primarily on the Super Mario Party style that debuted on Nintendo Switch but with some classic boards still intact. Meet Super Mario Party Jamboree!



Super Mario Party Jamboree’s main hook seems to be its Koopathalon, where up to 20 players can compete online on dedicated boards that seem geared more towards minigames. 

That doesn’t mean the main board game portion has been left out though, as multiple all-new boards sporting unique gimmicks were showcased. This included Rainbow Galleria, a mall where escalators can shift you from floor to floor, and Goomba Lagoon, where rising tides and volcanoes can affect your party going experience. 

Alongside that we saw the returning cast of characters, which seems to line up well with Super Mario Party. Joining the game though is Ninji, a welcome addition to the growing roster of partygoers. We also saw two classic boards make the cut in the original Mario Party’s Mario’s Rainbow Castle and Mario Party 2’s Western Land. 

Super Mario Party Jamboree will bring plenty of multiplayer fun to Switch when it launches on October 17th.   


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.