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When discussing the most influential gaming systems of all time, one name that’s sure to come up in conversation is the Nintendo 64. Debuting in 1996, this innovative home console defined a generation of video games and the laundry list of beloved entries goes on and on. From titles like Banjo & Kazooie, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and so many more, nearly everyone who experienced that era has some fond memories of the Nintendo 64. Now with the help of an innovative new tool, it’s possible to relive those memories in the modern day. The most recent break through is a native PC port of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. 



For those who keep up with modern retro gaming or who are just interested in video game preservation, you’ll be aware of the concept of emulation. Emulators essentially allow any computer to act as if it is the original system and load and read game files made for said system. For the N64 though, it was never that simple. While emulators do exist, the software from the time is rather dated and brings with it a myriad of complications. Fortunately, as seen in a video by Nerrel, there is now a tool to bypass the issues of emulation for the N64.

The program is known as N64: Recompiled, and takes a creative approach to solving the limits of emulation. Rather than running software that can run the original N64 game files, the program recompiles said game files into a format that can be run natively on PC. This allows the games to be played while running off of modern software, which not only streamlines the process, but also allows for extras like ray-tracing and texture packs that would be too difficult for a traditional emulator to run.

If you’ve been looking for a way to efficiently relive some late-’90s nostalgia, then it might be worth looking into this program. Thanks to it, it is now possible to create native ports for any Nintendo 64 game out there. This means not only the classics, but some more niche and obscure titles that don’t often get a lot of love. Whether you’re looking to revisit the big-name entries or something else, it’d be smart to keep this method in mind.

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Written by Abbie Maxwell

Lifelong Nintendo fangirl, Abbie holds a special place in her heart for video games. She has always strived to provide tips and tricks to make the experiences of those who share her passions that much better.