With the launch of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth today, there’s no better time than now to adorn your home with some Final Fantasy merchandise. While some of you may have missed out on the ludicrous Rebirth Collector’s Edition, at least you can have a pixelated version of Cloud sitting next to you to remind you of what you’ve lost… and also light your room.
Available for pre-order on Play-Asia, you can nab yourself a pixelated lamp of FF6’s Terra, FF7’s Cloud, or FF13’s Lightning. It’s kind of off that Lightning has a pixel form considering her game has never been rendered in anything other than 3D, but who really cares? It’s still awesome to look at.

It’s unclear how bright the lamp is within these lights, but they are able to run on AAA batteries. That’s great for putting a lamp on your desk or even on your bedroom dresser where there might not be an electrical outlet. That and you can line all three of them up and not waste a ton of outlets. The possibilities are endless unless you want to not light your room up. Then you’re pretty limited.
Where can I buy the Final Fantasy pixel lights?
Each lamp is available at Play-Asia for $23.99, plus shipping. And remember, you can save 5% when you use the code NWIRE24 at checkout!

Final Fantasy Pixel Lights – Terra, Cloud, or Lightning
$23.99 each. Save 5% with code NWIRE24 at checkout via Play-Asia (Affiliate)
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