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PSP classic Patapon is getting a followup of sorts with Ratatan, which picks up the side-scrolling action/rhythm torch with the original developers on board. While the game’s Kickstarter began only a few days ago, it’s already been funded and is crushing stretch goals, crossing the 75 Million yen barrier to get console versions (including for the Switch) funded in full.



Adopting roguelike elements into its framework, Ratatan involves issuing commands in time to music to direct your army. Commanding the eponymous Ratatan efficiently involves both strategy and rhythm, so manage effectively while keeping the beat steady! It also features up to four player multiplayer matches to see who can really get the groove going.

The game has already smashed past a ton more stretch goals, including a David Wise collaboration, Chiptunes version of the soundtrack, and more. There are still a few left to clear, but the funding of the game has been so successful so quickly it’s hard not to imagine at least a couple more being met. We’ll keep you posted on the campaign and the game’s development going forward.


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Written by Amelia Fruzzetti

A writer and Nintendo fan based in Seattle, Washington. When not working for NinWire, she can be found eating pasta, writing stories, and wondering about when Mother 3 is finally going to get an official localization.