They say the only things in life that are guaranteed are death and taxes, but I believe a third item needs to be added to that list: major leaks of AAA Nintendo games. That’s right, folks! Batten down the hatches and stay alert because screenshots from a supposed leaked copy of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom have made their way onto 4Chan and are about to flood the internet

Only known image of the Tears of the Kingdom Leaker
As always, at Nintendo Wire, we are committed to not posting, discussing, or spoiling the ‘Tears of the Kingdom’ experience for our dear readers. However, we recommend that you take some time to plan how you can avoid spoilers. Here’s what we suggest:
- Avoid YouTube – This may be difficult, but some YouTubers tend to put massive spoilers in their video thumbnails. Even if you don’t follow them, YouTube may still recommend their content to you.
- Mute specific words on Twitter – You can mute specific words to prevent them from showing up on your feed. Consider muting phrases like “Tears of the Kingdom” or “leak” to avoid as many spoilers as possible.
- If you’re still concerned about spoilers, consider taking a break from the internet altogether. Relax, put your feet up, and enjoy the sound of the ticking clock counting down the remaining two weeks of your life!
Good luck and stay safe out there!
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