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With its open world design and gameplay adjustments, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet brought major changes to the long-running video game series last month. Now it seems like its tie-in Trading Card Game expansion will be bringing this revitalising energy to tabletops.

As confirmed via The Pokémon Company’s official website, a major shift will be happening when the Scarlet & Violet expansion hits western shores. Namely, the yellow borders we’re accustomed to will be swapped out for the silver that adorns the Japanese cards.


That’s not all, though. Energy cards are set to have their respective symbols displayed on the bottom right, making it even easier to tell at a glance what you’ve got equipped to your Pokémon. The types of Trainer cards (Supporter, Stadium etc.) will also be moved from the top-right to the top-left.

The final big change comes in the form of pricing. Inflation has been hitting most industries, and the Trading Card Game is no exception, with booster packs expected to rise in price from $3.99 to $4.49 USD. To make up for this, however, each pack will be guaranteed to contain three foil cards, and all “Rare” cards or better will now be foil.

The western launch of the Pokémon Trading Card Game’s Scarlet & Violet expansion is still some ways away but right now you can enjoy the final expansion set in the Sword & Shield run – Silver Tempest!

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Written by Tom Brown

Whether it’s an exciting new entry in a series long established or a weird experiment meant only for the dedicated, Tom is eager to report on it. Rest assured, if Nintendo ever announces Elite Beat Agents 2, he’ll be there.