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The Kirby Café has hosted several limited time menu additions and seasonal offerings, almost always drawing from a set pool of characters. Kirby is nearly always front and center, with mainstays like Waddle Dee and Whispy Woods tagging along. Even Chef Kawasaki has (fittingly) become another mascot for this cozy café! Now, though, a mysterious warrior is ready to make his move…

Behold, the limited time Chocolate de Pupupu ~ Secret Mask Supper menu!

Yes, that’s the dashing Meta Knight’s mask staring intently from your coffee cup. Dream Land’s premier swordsman has had his own themed dishes, but it’s rare that he takes center stage like this. He’s not alone though, as a whole box of sweet treats is here themed to the core cast.

The Pupupu All Star Sandwich set will consist of four mini desserts – one each for Kirby, Dedede, Meta Knight, and Waddle Dee! Pair it with its fellow new addition, the Stardust Chocolate Au Lait, for a smooth coffee companion served with plenty of chocolate.

These two menu items will make their debut starting January 14th, and will only be available until February 28th.

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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.