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Last month we learned Playtonic had set their googly sights on publishing via their new Playtonic Friends label. Now we’re pleased to see that their first endeavor will be none other than Slime-San developer Fabraz’ Demon Turf!

When it was first announced, Demon Turf caught my eye thanks to its 2D character in a 3D platforming world set up. This allows for some really appealing animation for main character Beebz as they attempt to stake their claim to the Demon world’s throne.

You can even give the game a go yourself thanks to a Steam demo available now. It’s not just one piece of the game either, as it updates weekly with a new challenging trial. Do well enough and you’ll get yourself (and an exclusive piece of in-game swag) in the full release!

Per a provided press release, Demon Turf features the following served with a whole lot of attitude:

  • Self placed checkpoints – Show off without them for a perfect run, or place one in preparation for a challenging section. You can even teleport between these checkpoints if you missed a collectable along the way!
  • Return Levels – a brand new take on progression, take a victory lap and explore previously beaten levels to discover their liberated state, with plenty of mechanical and environmental changes to uncover
  • Physics driven combat – How do you defeat the demon hordes when none of your own attacks are actually lethal?A special physics-driven combat system that ramps up the chaos and fun. Push, pull and spin your enemies out of your way and down cliffs or into spikes.
  • Mouth Watering amount of side content – 50 specific locations/characters to line the walls of an empty gallery. Fend of 25 arena challenges worth of enemy waves. Tackle 10 Demon Soccer Golf courses that put a bizarre twist on ball-pushing puzzles. Collect 8 cartridges to unlock remixed throwback levels from glorious 3D platformers of the past

Speaking on the partnership, both Fabraz and Playtonic had this to share:

Fabian Rastorfer, Game Lead and Artist at Fabraz, commented “I’ve always wanted to create a 3D Platformer, they’ve been my favourite genre all my life, having grown up playing all of the notable ones on pretty much every console! With our 2D platformer, Slime-san, we received a lot of praise for what we brought to 2D precision based platforming so we really wanted to see if we can translate the spirit of what made Slime-san great into a 3D Platformer”.

“Demon Turf was one of the titles that made us want to set up our new publishing arm” added Gavin Price, CEO of Playtonic “our aim was always to partner with those developers who make the kinds of games we love to play or we wish we’d come up with first which is exactly how we felt when we first played Slime-San so then when the Fabraz team showed us what they had in store with Demon Turf; the community focus, the reams of content and just somethin really fresh & new; we absolutely had to get involved”

Demon Turf will arrive on Switch, as well as PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, this summer.

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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.