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Every time Fangamer announces something new, I always have to clutch my wallet and hope I’m able to keep myself from dumping every item into my digital shopping cart. Today is no different, as the fandom merch extraordinaires have announced a new line of items themed after A Hat in Time! This new line of merch features some adorable enamel pins and a vibrant long-sleeve shirt that has this writer incredibly tempted.



The first new piece of merch is a standalone enamel pin featuring Hat Kid floating through a time rift while reaching out for a Time Piece. The Time Piece itself can be spun independently of the pin backing, creating a neat effect. The standalone Time Rift Spinning Pin is available for $12.



The second piece of merch is a set of four enamel pins that feature stylized headshots of Hat Kid, Mustache Girl, Snatcher, and The Conductor! The Crazy Cast Pin Set 1 is available for $19.



The final new piece of merch is a wild long-sleeve shirt featuring Hat Kid surrounded by neon-coloured silhouettes of feline Nyakuza members from the game’s Nyakuza Metro DLC. The Nyakuza Metro Long-Sleeved Shirt is available for $39.



Fangamer’s announcement promises that more merch is on the way for gaming’s most adorable time traveler, and is planned to be released this summer. If the naming of the group pin set is anything to go by, it’s highly likely that more pins are in the works!


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Written by Marcus Ramirez

A writer and dreamer who loves all things tropical, bright, colorful, and shiny. Marcus is obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and patiently awaits its triumphant return to Nintendo hardware. He has a (totally real) court order that requires him to always have a 3DS or Switch on his person when leaving the house for more than a few hours.