According to a report from Japanese news outlet Game Watch, a man named Kazuki Kawamatsu was recently arrested in Nagoya City within the Aichi Prefecture. The report, which was translated by Siliconera, states that the 23 year-old man modified his Switch in April of last year, and has since been selling hacked Pokémon that he generated to players within Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Kazuki sold his hacked monsters for 500 yen a piece, while charging additional fees of 400 to 800 yen if a customer ordered at least six Pokémon. Before turning himself over to the police for his actions, he reportedly made more than 1.15 million yen, which converts to nearly $11,000.
The arrest was made under Japan’s Unfair Competition Prevention Act, and stands as the country’s first case of an arrest involving the modification of Nintendo Switch game data. The arrest was noteworthy enough to be reported on by TV news outlets in Japan:
It is currently unknown if Officer Jenny was involved in the arrest of Mr. Kawamatsu.
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