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Yesterday, we shared with you Fangamer’s latest addition to their Rare collection; merch for the NES classic Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll. Well, they weren’t stopping there! Today they announced two more additions to the collection, themed after the N64 masterpiece Banjo-Kazooie.

The first item is in the same vein as yesterday, a beautiful enamel pin with Banjo and Kazooie’s initials set inside of a golden Honeycomb Piece from the game.

The second item is a blue drawstring hoodie with the Banjo-Kazooie logo printed in puffy ink across the chest. Both items are currently available to order, but the hoodies won’t begin shipping out until mid-September.


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Written by Marcus Ramirez

A writer and dreamer who loves all things tropical, bright, colorful, and shiny. Marcus is obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and patiently awaits its triumphant return to Nintendo hardware. He has a (totally real) court order that requires him to always have a 3DS or Switch on his person when leaving the house for more than a few hours.