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Capcomā€™s Dragonā€™s Dogma may not rank along with Monster Hunter or Street Fighter numbers for the company, but itā€™s still a multi-million seller and a unique part of their library. Now itā€™s branching out to a new form of media, as the previously announced animated Netflix series has just revealed its debut date.

True to the series, its main character Ethan will have his heart stolen (literally) by a dragon and return to life as an Arisen, eventually setting out alongside his pawn, Hannah, to reclaim it. The finer details are unknown for this swords and sorcery series, but you can watch for yourself when Dragonā€™s Dogma comes to Netflix on September 17th.

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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isnā€™t writing for Nintendo Wire, Rickyā€™s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then heā€™ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.