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Coronavirus is spreading, and whether you’d like to admit it’s serious or not, the virus is impacting video games daily. Today’s statement comes from Niantic, saying it will be cancelling Safari Zone St. Louis, in addition to other postponing other scheduled events as needed. 

The statement comes from the March 2020 Niantic Live Update, where The Pokémon GO developer mentioned that, “While we prefer never to postpone or cancel events, player health and safety are our top priorities.” Currently, Niantic will reassess all further Safari Zone events early next month to see what, if any, changes are needed to the schedule. 

To make up for this unfortunate news, Legendary Raid encounters have been added to Go Battle League, for extra opportunities to catch exclusive Raid Battle Pokémon.

Any trainers who had purchased a ticket to the Safari Zone event will be refunded if they request a refund by March 25th. Safari Zone St. Louis should be rescheduled within the next 12 months, and once we hear from the Pokémon GO team we’ll be sure to let you know. 


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Written by Caleb Mina

A father, photographer, and husband, Caleb still finds time to create content about his favorite company Nintendo. You can still catch him riding a Tauros to hatch Shiny Pokémon eggs.