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The Pokémon Café in Nihonbashi, Tokyo is receiving lovely new and limited additions to the menu. From March 14th to April 19th, the Sakura Afro Pikachu themed goodies will be available to customers. It includes the following delectable treats:

  • Sakura Afro Pikachu Fruit Sand Cake (1,738 yen, tax included)
  • Pokémon Latté Afro Pikachu (770 yen, tax included)

The fruit cake in particular looks delicious! In it, fruit is sandwiched in fluffy strawberry cream — which sounds both sweet and savory for those in need of a small delight.

To our disappointment, there’s no mention of the super cute Sakura Afro Pikachu plush making its way back to the Pokémon Center this year. Hopefully it does though!


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Written by Lauren Ganos
Creative Director, Managing Editor

Designer and writer by day, gamer by night, Lauren dreams big when it comes to creative endeavors. Perhaps that's why she's taken on the roles of creative director and managing editor for Nintendo Wire. If she had a video game superhero alias, it might just be The Visionary, a true keeper of imaginative order.