October’s Community Day kicks off this Saturday, the 12th, at 11 a.m. (local time) in Pokémon GO, and Niantic is gearing up for the occasion by announcing the exclusive move! Once Trapinch is evolved into its final form, Flygon, it will learn Earth Power.
We have some news that we know you’ll dig! Earth Power is the exclusive move for Trapinch #PokemonGOCommunityDay! Time to shake things up! pic.twitter.com/y293puZgEJ
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) October 9, 2019
Remember, the move will only be available if the Pokémon is evolved on Saturday! The usual bonuses will also be available during the three hours: 3x catch XP and 3 hour Lures.
You’ll have until 2 p.m. local time that afternoon to try your luck at nabbing the Shiny variant — good luck, Trainers!
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