Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has seen many exciting, themed Spirit Board events, and there’s another one on the horizon. This time, Mother — or EarthBound in the US — gets its turn!
In a tweet from the Japanese Smash Bros. Twitter account, a handful of Mother-themed spirits were revealed. Characters from all three games, including the Japan exclusive Mother 3, are included on the board.
7/26(金)から3日間、スピリッツボードのイベント「SMAAAASH!! MOTHER30周年」を開催! 開催期間中、MOTHERシリーズのスピリッツがたくさん出現! バトルに勝利すると、いつもより多めにゴールドを入手できます。#スマブラSP #SmashBros— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) July 24, 2019
We’ll have to see if the Spirit Board is handled the same way in North America. Based on Lucas’ inclusion in Smash, I’m sure the Mother 3 Spirits will make their way over as well. Now, if only we could get the actual game over here…
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