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After a week of voting and a bit of waiting, the results of Fire Emblem Heroes’ Find & Vote campaign are in. Half of the winners are about exactly what I expected, while the other half feels a bit like a surprise. Have a look and see how your own picks and predictions panned out.


The winners by color are Halloween Myrrh for red, Legendary Azura for blue, Legendary Lyn for green, and the recently released Mythic Duma for colorless. While Azura and Duma were easy enough calls due to their usefulness and power within their pools respectively, seeing Myrrh beating out all Legendary red heroes is an unexpected late Halloween surprise. Lyn was also a bit of a surprise, especially with frequent favorite Hector also having an extra powerful Legendary version and just how often Surtr seems to show up during PvP play. Nintendo’s also given out their exact numbers, as well as the full results of the event.

Regardless your thoughts on the picks, these four will be a part of a special summoning focus later this month. You’re guaranteed one of these four (at random) before it transitions to a more typical summoning focus. It’s unfortunate it is at random, considering it’s a campaign where players actively voted for what they themselves would want most, but gacha game gotta gacha I suppose. Be on the lookout for this starting February 24th.


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.