These are times we never could have prepared for. A time of blue hair, support conversation goals, and a higher concentration of 3DS era characters than you’d ever imagine for such a long standing series. Fire Emblem is back on the Spirit Board, headlining another event to help gather up Spirits and bonus resources from Nintendo’s popular strategy franchise (sorry Advance Wars…)
The three-day Super #SmashBrosUltimate Spirit Board event "Fire Emblem Fest Part 2" begins on 18/01! Spirits from #FireEmblem are back, with plenty of gold up for grabs for beating them! Some spirits in part 2 are different from those in part 1.
— Nintendo UK VS (@NintendoUKVS) January 16, 2019
Fire Emblem Fest 2 looks to be focused more on later titles, such as the Telius games that Ike and the Black Knight originate from and the aforementioned deluge of Awakening and Fates characters. There’s no better time to merge some cores to net yourself Xander or snag some other Legendary Spirits from the Board itself starting the night of the 17th.