The last Etrian game to grace the 3DS is a few months away, and Atlus has given a look at its world, classes, and characters for western fans. This new trailer shows some familiar things from previous games, fitting for a title built up as a coming together of all Etrian games — a swan song for its run on the system, as well as the new Hero class.
The video also details what’ll be coming with launch copies of the game. Common to their releases will be an outer box around the game case also housing an art book, and a pin of the character Vivian. This sleepyhead and her head-cat Merlin help run an inn in-game and make for a cute addition to what’s already sounding like a game already full of content for Etrian fans.
You can pre-order Etrian Odyssey Nexus for the 3DS on Amazon today.
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