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Blind boxes are a dangerous game, yet here I am drooling over a special Re-Ment collection from Kirby and friends coming to Japan. It’s not just the Dream Land delights that have me craving these though; it’s the way the series is bringing them together with desserts to make for a perfect piece of Pop Star merch.

The full set includes:

  • Magalor’s pumpkin pudding
  • Meta Knight’s fondant chocolate
  • Bandana Dee’s apple pie
  • Waddle Doo’s souffle pancake
  • Marx’s strawberry mousse
  • King Dedede’s ice cream sundae
  • Kirby & Squishy’s fruit tea
  • Kirby & Gordo’s blueberry cheesecake

All of these are just begging to belong on your desk, with Chef Kawasaki’s seal of approval on each. The extra nods here and there are great, like Kracko showing up as some whipped cream or the Star Rod decorating Dedede’s. It’s enough to make you throw restraint to the wind and try and grab all the figures in Chef Kawasaki’s Sweets Party just like Kirby would in the face of so many treats.


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.