Normally when you grab an Assist Trophy the character joining in is right there with you, or at least near enough that they feel involved in the fight. For this latest Legend of Zelda addition though, it doesn’t quite work that way. Descending on the stage wreathed in fire and agony, the Moon pierces the local atmosphere all the way from Termina’s sky to devastate everything in its path.
『ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面』からの登場です。上空に出現し、ステージの中心に向かってどんどんどんどん近づいてきて…ステージに激突すると、近くの相手ファイターに大ダメージ!!#スマブラSP #ゼルダの伝説— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) September 24, 2018
The Moon may end up being one of the most dangerous of all Assist Trophies, striking the entire stage and able to affect its summoner in equal measure by the look of things. That doesn’t stop Ganondorf from staring it down in one of these new screenshots though, challenging its Power with his own.
There’s still no sign of the one who called upon the Moon in the first place, though – the enigmatic Skull Kid. Even in these screenshots where such an appearance would be fitting, one of the last game’s Assists remains mysteriously absent. Only time will tell what’s up with that particular rumor, more specifically sometime before the game release on December 7th.