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We’ve hit the halfway point for Zipper’s fantastical garden event — and as expected, there’s one more flower to grow and two new creatures to catch in the second half. Blue Heart Roses bring adorably decorated scramblers wearing hats.

Look no further for a breakdown as we have the numbers for how many Dapper and Majestic Scramblers you’ll have to successfully hunt down, along with the new available trade-ins, all available below.

Get planting, catching, and sharing! Before you know it we’ll have a white rabbit telling us that we’re extremely late in trying to complete the entire Wonderland set.


Tasks Dapper Scramblers Needed Reward
3-1 3 5 Sporty Essence
3-2 6 Tea-Party Cups
3-3 9 Tea-Party Pot
3-4 12 Wonderland Screen
3-5 15 60 Flower Food
3-6 20 Tea-Party Cups
3-7 25 20 Rustic Essence
3-8 30 Wonderland Screen
3-9 40 Tea-Party Cake
3-10 50 25 Leaf Tickets


Tasks Majestic Scramblers Needed Reward
4-1 2 Mary Janes
4-2 6 Wonderland Wig
4-3 9 15 Leaf Tickets
4-4 12 60 Flower Food
4-5 15 Wonderland Dress
4-6 20 Tea-Party Pot
4-7 25 Tea-Party Cake
4-8 30 Wonderland Screen
4-9 35 Tea-Party Table
4-10 45 1 Sparkle Stones


Orange Heart Roses Needed Item Redeem Limit?
5 3 Blue Heart Rose Seeds No.


Blue Heart Roses Needed Item Redeem Limit?
40 Tea-Party Cups Yes. Four times.
40 Tea-Party Balloons Yes. Four times.
40 Wonderland Screen Yes. Four times.
20 Potted Blue Heart Roses No.
10 3 Sporty Essence Yes. Three times.
10 3 Natural Essence Yes. Three times.
10 3 Cute Essence Yes. Three times.
10 3 Cool Essence Yes. Three times.
10 3 Rustic Essence Yes. Three times.
10 3 Hip Essence Yes. Three times.
10 3 Harmonious Essence Yes. Three times.
20 Wonderland Dress Yes. Six times.


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Written by Jennifer Burch

Illustrator, designer, writer and big Nintendo geek, you can find Jennifer with an N3DS within reach 24/7. As the oldest of three, she has survived many Mario Party, Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart sessions intact in addition to getting her brothers hooked on some really weird games. (Cubivore anyone?)