Biff, that yellow fellow with a head growth he should really have checked out, has managed to stumble onto quite a find. Looks likes ARMS is getting a new arena, hidden deep in the forest and forgotten by time.
ARMS協会の設立よりもはるか以前から、"のびーる"格闘が開催されてきた、神聖な格闘場らしいですよ!— ARMS(アームズ) (@ARMS_Cobutter) November 8, 2017
These ruins aren’t readily associated with any current characters, and that can only mean that whenever it comes along, a new fighter won’t be far behind. The last update, being more of a feature-filled touchup, skimped on adding in a fresh face for fans to fight as. With how well ARMS has done in that department and how gradual of a reveal Lola Pop was, I’ve been looking forward to this kinda hint and lead-in. It’s time to get excited for more (free) content for ARMS as this excavation continues.