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For particularly hardcore Xenoblade fans out there, there’s a special treat awaiting you – a special edition for the game was announced alongside a brand new pro controller.

The special edition will retail at a cool $100, and include a sound selection CD, a steelbook case and a whopping 220-page artbook. The pro controller, meanwhile, is styled in the dull maroon and green X of plot-critical character Pyra, with the design of Rex’s sword on the right side. We can assume it’ll be marked up slightly like the Splatoon 2 controller at $75.

The pro controller follows the first game’s special Monado Red Wii Classic Controller that came in European bundles, though you’ll need to purchase it separately from the game. Be on the lookout for both of these pre-orders to open up in the ensuing days, and look forward to the game’s release on December 1st.

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Written by Amelia Fruzzetti

A writer and Nintendo fan based in Seattle, Washington. When not working for NinWire, she can be found eating pasta, writing stories, and wondering about when Mother 3 is finally going to get an official localization.